Monaco, 29 May 2019 – R-LOGITECH S.A.M., an international provider of logistics and technology solutions for global supply chain management, and its co-investors were informed today that an unconditional approval by the EU Commission for the acquisition of Euroports Holdings S.à.r.l. has been granted. The announcement in the relevant public register will follow shortly. The acquisition of Euroports can, therefore, be completed as planned by the end of June 2019.
The economic development of both R-LOGITECH in its core business and its future subsidiary Euroports was very pleasing in the first quarter of 2019 and was above budget.
R-LOGITECH is an international logistics and technology services provider focused mainly on the natural resources sector. The group’s primary business lines are logistics, terminal management, technology solutions and procurement. Africa is a particular focus and the group also has European offices in Paris, Vienna, London and Monaco.
R-LOGITECH is a subsidiary of Monaco Resources Group S.A.M.
For further information:
Frank Ostermair, Linh Chung
Better Orange IR & HV AG
+49 89 8896906-25
Frédéric Platini
+377 97 98 67 71